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- DOI:
- 作者:
- 刘超 郭晓磊 鞠世雄 张运雷 刘杨 杨葳
- 作者单位:
- 中国石油北京油气调控中心
- 关键词:
- 管道;投产;地形 ;积气
pipeline; commission; landform; simulation; gas accumulation
- 摘要:
- 针对我国某长输成品油管道地形所具有的大落差的特点,提出了在投产过程中由于大落差及地形起伏有可能导致的问题,分析了管路内积气对管道充水试运阶段的影响以及管道存气的形成过程和可能造成的危害,并选取了有代表性的六段大落差管段进行分析,对每一段中的理论含气率进行了定量的计算。为了将管路中气体彻底排除,对原注水方案和排气方案进行了针对性地优化和调整。例如,选在全线最高点处新增1个排气点,专门安排两次管线停输进行排气等方式,最终保证了投产的顺利完成。
According to the characteristics of long-distance oil pipeline in China with the terrain, problems ware proposed which large gap and topography may lead to in the production process, the influence of gas in pipeline on the stage of water filling and the formation process and possible damage due to pipeline gas exit ware analyzed, and six representative sections of big drop pipe section was analyzed, and the theoretical gas holdup in each section was calculated quantitatively. In order to eliminate the gas in the pipeline completely, the original water injection scheme and the air exhaust plan ware optimized and adjusted. For example, the highest point of the whole line was selected to add one more venting point, two pipeline shutdowns and other means ware special arranged for venting air, ultimately the commissioning ware successful completed.